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Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Classes at Gateway

High School Writing Intensive (grades 8-12)
July 16-20 from 9-12
$55 plus $10 materials fee 
Take away the fear of writing and give your child valuable keys for success!  This high school level course provides an introduction to Writing based on the Student Writing Intensive by Institute for Excellence in Writing. Students will be required to complete a writing assignment each night to be used in class the next day.
(Great introduction to the Excellence in Writing program that we will use for the senior high at Gateway next year or just to improve writing.)

High School Speech (grades 9-12) 
July 23-27  from 9 am to 12 pm
$55 plus $10 materials fee
Based off of "Speech Boot Camp" by Institute for Excellence in Writing.   Includes:  impromptu, introductory, narrative, descriptive, and persuasive speeches... plus more.    (Students will be required to prepare speeches at home each night to present the next day.)

Jr. High Writing Camp  (grades 5-8)
July 23-27  from 1-3:30
$55 plus $10 materials fee
Take away the fear of writing and give your child valuable keys for success!  This middle school level course provides an introduction to Writing using structure and style developed by Institute for Excellence in Writing. Students will be required to complete a writing assignment each night to be used in class the next day.
(Great introduction to the Excellence in Writing program that we will use for the middle school program at Gateway next year or just to improve writing.)

Contact Judy Gardner for registration.  Class size is limited.   A $20 deposit is required by July 10th
Registration is open for the 2012-2013 year.
You may complete the registration form and class selection and mail it in.
Registration and Orientation will be July 17 from 1-3 pm or 7-9 pm.
Class sizes are limited so register soon.  Registration and lab fees due by July 17.
Book orders need to be paid by Aug. 1 
First day of classes is August 21
First monthly tuition due Sept. 1
(Please check to make sure there are enough students enrolled in the class before ordering books on your own.)

Class Selection - High School   First Semester 2012-2013 (grades 6-12)

8:30 - 10:00    _____    Physics  (9-12) *$20 lab fee per family  
            _____        Health (9-12)  

            _____      English/Literature (6-8) $10 materials fee

10:00 - 11:00      _____   Computer Applications (9-12) $10 materials fee
          (Laptop with Microsoft Word applications installed recommended.)

            _____   Pre-Algebra (7-9) $20 math lab fee per student

            _____   *Keyboarding  (6-8)

11:00 - 12:00   ____    Algebra 2 (9-12) $20 math lab fee per student
            _____    Algebra 1 (8-12) $20 math lab fee per student
            _____      History/Geography (6-8) $10 materials fee
12:00 - 12:45     LUNCH

12:45 - 1:45    _____   Government (9-12)

            _____      Geography (9-12) $10 materials fee

            _____   Basic Math (6-8)  *$20 math lab fee per student
                    math pre-test required
1:45-2:45      _____      English Composition/Essay - Research Writing (9-12) 

            _____   Bible - Life of Christ (6-8)
2:45-3:45     _____      Music Appreciation (9-12)

            _____      Physical Science (6-8) *$20 lab fee per family

_____   keyboarding (completed online)

_____    Virtual class through Florida Virtual School  ($98 per class - no text necessary)  Varied classes available.

_____  *Health (completed independently/graded and recorded)

_____    Graphic Arts (photography, PhotoShop, yearbook)  *$20 lab fee per family
(Meets as arranged throughout the year - must be enrolled in at least 2 other Gateway classes and rotating field trip participation)  Requires digital camera and access to computer.  Students may have other costs such as photo printing that they will be responsible for.

______    Registration @ $10 per student  (administrative - paid only once a year)

______   Class Registration @ $10 per class  (Registration for year long classes is paid only once.)

______    Lab fees

______    Total

per student *MonthlySemester  Year
1 class$25$90$180
2 classes$35$135$270
3 or 4 classes$45$180$360
5 or 6 classes$55$225$450
7 or more$65$270$540

*Family discounts available depending on classes - calculated on an individual basis.

Please choose payment  option:

Full payment  _____   Semester  _____ Monthly  ______
  (Registration and material fees due in July -Monthly payments begin Sept.1 )

Please make all checks payable to Gateway and send to:

Gateway Christian Fellowship    10728 W. 133rd Ave.  Cedar Lake, IN  46303

Note:  Registration fees are non-refundable except In the even that minimum registration is not met or class exceeds maximum you will be notified and registration refunded for that class.  Parents are responsible for text books, initial material/lab fees, and miscellaneous expenses not covered by registration including field trip expenses. Throughout the year we ask families to contribute paper goods such as reams of paper, paper towels, and toilet paper to help keep costs down.

______  I am interested in math tutoring if not enrolled in Gateway math.
______  I am interested in SAT prep workshops.   (cost announced per workshop)
______  I am interested in music lessons

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Planning meeting June 13th at 11:00 at Gateway to finalize class offerings for 2012-2013.
Please join us if you have suggestions or would like to be involved as a teacher or assistant.

Registration will begin June 15 and extend through July 15.  

The following classes have been confirmed:

Physics (Conceptual Physics-Prentice Hall) grades 9-12
Research Writing (Excellence in Writing) grades 9-12 first semester
Algebra 2 (with online math lab-Prentice Hall) grades 9-12
Algebra 1 (with online math lab - Prentice Hall) grades 8-12
Government/Econ grades 9-12
Computer Applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
*Yearbook (Must be enrolled in other Gateway classes. Includes photography, graphic design, and journalism - will meet as arranged throughout the year.)
Drama - second
Elements of Communication (Alpha Omega Publications)- second semester

For middle school:

Basic math (materials pending)
Science - Physical Science
English - Excellence in Writing
History/Geography (materials pending)

(some electives we are considering will be for grades 7-12)

If you are interested in a SAT prep class please let me know.

We will also have classes available through Florida Virtual School.  These classes are graded by Gateway teachers and can be individualized to meet each student's needs, which greatly reduces the cost.  If interested please let me know.