Contact Us:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Hello all,

English Classes: The required textbooks are $29 plus shipping. If we order together we can save significantly on the shipping cost. If you want to order with the group, please send in your check for $30. Make the check to Gateway Homeschool Network and send it to me at 14373 W. 132nd Place, Cedar Lake, IN 46303.

Mom's Night, Tuesday, August 3, 7-9 pm. We heard a number of moms complaining about the difficulty in helping or motivating their students to be successful in their school work. We will be discussing some ways to help your homeschooled student accomplish their educational goals this school year. Please come and share your ideas over a cup of coffee and with a dose of friendship and encouragement.

Fund Raisers
: Alicia Sluis has arranged for our group to participate in the "Box Tops for Education" program. Please save all you "Box Tops" and bring them in. We have a container to deposit them in. We also have a box to collect used cell phones and used INK CARTRIDGES that we will get money for when we send the full box in. We do fundraisers to help offset school expenses and keep costs as low as possible.

ORIENTATION: August 17. Please choose one of the sessions to attend. Dads are welcome too. We will have a session at 1-3 in the afternoon and 7-9 in the evening. Please let us know which one you will attend so we will be properly prepared. The purpose of this meeting is to go over school policies and expectations as well as to meet-and-greet. (Thank you to those who have already responded.) This is for the Junior/Senior High classes. (Ennrichment yet to be determined.)

Teachers: We will have a short meeting at noon on August 17.

Please let us know if you have not received the required book list or if you have any questions about that list. You are required to purchase the books on your own in time for classes. (See note above concerning English books.)

We are looking forward to a great school year (though like the kids, we hate to see summer end!) Be sure to get in touch if you have any questions.
