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Monday, February 23, 2009

Winter Highlights

Six week enrichment session

Six week enrichment session begins Thursday, February 26th. Classes will be: hands-on-science, art, and Spanish. Students will be split into three skill-based groups and rotate through the classes. These groupings are especially necessary for Spanish. Group one is for non-readers, or those needing reading/writing assistance - suggested grades 1st-3rd. Group two suggested grades advanced 3rd to 6th. Group three suggested grades advanced 6th grade to 8th grade- this Spanish class will move at a much quicker pace. Please make sure your children bring a folder and pencil. Web sites will be posted for additional Spanish practice throughout the week is you wish you use them. See you Thursday.

Don't forget the Egg Drop Contest!

Egg Drop Contest

Gateway's Physic's Class invites you, grades 1-12 and your parents, to participate in an Egg Drop Contest. Design a container that will protect an egg dropped from at least 12-16 ft. Container cannot contain any liquid or sharp objects, no other restrictions. It must be able to be opened to check egg, uncooked and unaltered. (Must supply own egg.) Drop is scheduled for 3:00 on Thursday, March 5th. (Rain or snow - date March 12th) Prizes for the smallest, lightest, and most creative containers that succeed. Drop an email or sign up at co-op to let us know you will be participating.