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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Gateway Co-op is now accepting students.  We will hold an informational and registration day on Tuesday Aug. 5 from 2 to 4 PM OR 7 to 9 PM. at Great Oaks Banquets in Cedar Lake - 13109 Wicker Ave.  If you are interested, please contact us soon. There are only a few openings in several classes. Registration fees need to be paid by Aug. 5.   We have held our last year's tuition cost over until Aug. 5.  After Aug. 5 the new rate applies. 

Respond to the email link for more information.

Name ___________________________________  Grade  _________
Tuesdays – first semester
Class Selection Middle School 
1      8:45 – 9:45  _____   Basic Math/PreAlgebra LAB  $25 mathxl fee per student
*(did not meet minimum students - this will be a LAB time with individual tutoring and not a class)
2      9:45 – 11:00  _____   English/Literature (6-8) IEW History Based Writing
3    11:00 - 12:00   _____   World History (6-8)  
12:00 - 12:45     LUNCH
4    12:45 - 1:45  _____    Life Science   $25 lab fee per family
5     1:45 – 2:45  _____    Critical Thinking/Intro to Logic $10 material fee per student
6    2:45-3:45     _____    Bible
Class Selection High School
1    8:30 - 10:00    ____   Biology   (9-12)  $25 lab fee per family   (Apologia Text)
      ____   *Computer Applications $10 materials fee per student 
(Must have own laptop.)  (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)
2    10:00 - 11:00    ____   World History  (9-12)
3    11:00 - 12:00    ____    Adv. English/Literature (10-12)
                                 ____   Algebra 1 $25 mathxl fee per student  (CLASS)
12:00 - 12:45     LUNCH
4    12:45 - 1:45    _____   English (9-12) IEW History Based
                              _____   Algebra 2  $25 mathxl fee per student
5    1:45-2:45       _____      World Religions   
6    2:45-3:45       _____      Intro to Logic $10 materials fee per student (Art of Argument text)
_____   Health (9-12) (Alpha Omega Life Pacs - paced and graded through Gateway)
_____   Computer Applications  $10 material fee.  *Computer Applications may also be taken during any study hall, on Thursdays, or independently.    (Word, Powerpoint, Excel)
_____    Remedial math, Geometry, Algebra 1,2 or advanced math through Math Xl with individual  tutoring available.    $25 mathxl fee per student  (College Algebra, Statistics options also)
_____    Virtual classes through Grad Point (6-12)  (Including: SAT English prep, SAT Math prep, sciences, and numerous electives.)
        No class time required  
Curriculum Prices vary between $98 for one shared class (co-op students only) or individual seat $159 for multiple classes.  AP classes have an added charge.   Refer to Grad Point catalog for class listings.  (No other text books required.)
List Grad Point online classes you are interested in:
______    Registration @ $10 per student 
(administrative - paid only once a year)
______   Class Registration @ $10 per class 
(Registration for year long classes paid only once.)
______    Lab/material  fees
______    Total
per student *
(through Aug. 5)
(9 payments-Sept.- May)
per student *
(after Aug. 5)
(9 payments-Sept.- May)
1 class
1 class
2 classes
2 classes
3 or 4 classes
3 or 4 classes
5 or 6 classes
5 or 6 classes
7 or more
7 or more
*Family discounts available depending on classes - calculated on an individual basis.  (For instance:  2nd student in same class is 1/2 tuition.  3rd student in same class is free tuition. Material fees and registration are not reduced unless indicated.)
Please choose payment  option:
Full payment  _____   Semester  _____ Monthly  ______
  (Registration and material fees due in July -Monthly payments begin Sept.1 )
Please make all checks payable to Gateway and send to:
Gateway Christian Fellowship    13109 S. Wicker Ave.  Cedar Lake, IN  46303
Note:  Registration fees are non-refundable except in the even that minimum registration is not met or class exceeds maximum you will be notified and registration refunded for that class.  Parents are responsible for text books, initial material/lab fees, and miscellaneous expenses not covered by registration including field trip expenses. Throughout the year we ask families to contribute paper goods such as reams of paper, paper towels, and toilet paper to help keep costs down.