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Friday, July 8, 2011


Registration now open for 2011-2012 First day of school Aug. 23 Orientation Aug. 16

Class Selection - High School First Semester 2011-2012 (grades 8-12)

8:30 -9:50
Anatomy (9-12) first semester only
Earth Science (8-12) first and second semester
Computer or Virtual Class
9:50 -10:50
Geometry (9-12) (completed Algebra 1)
Algebra 1 (8-12)
Computer or Virtual Class
10:50 - 11:50
Spanish 1
Pre-Algebra (7-9) (Pending – need teacher)
Computer or Virtual Class
12:30 - 1:30
Adv. English EIW (1-2 years EIW) (10-12) 1st semester only
Computer or Virtual Class
World History or World History Honors with clep preparation (11-12)
Computer or Virtual Class
English EIW (8-12) 1st semester only
Personal Finance 1st semester only

AS Arranged _____ College Algebra/clep or Adv. Math

Computer classes Do not meet as a class, but has teacher to assist with assignments – computer lab available.

Keyboarding (1 semster) (online course)
Computer Applications (1 semester) Circle one: Microsoft office or Open Office

Florida virtual school class (online with our teacher)
May meet a few times together during the semester depending on class.

Registration @ $10 per student
Class Registration @ $10 per class (Registration for year long classes is paid only once.)

Monthly Semester Year
1 or 2 classes $20 $90 $180
3 classes $30 $135 $270
4 or 5 classes $40 $180 $360
6 or more $50 $225 $450
Please make all checks payable to Gateway and send to:
Gateway Christian Fellowship 10728 W. 133rd Ave. Cedar Lake, IN

Note: Registration fees are non-refundable except In the even that minimum registration is not met or class exceeds maximum. You will be notified and registration refunded for that class as soon as possible. Parents are responsible for text books, initial material fee, and miscellaneous expenses not covered by registration throughout the year including field trip expenses, and occasional lab costs.
Please do not purchase text books until classes are confirmed. You will be notified with the isbn’s as soon as the minimum number of students is reached for each class.

Tentative text books depending if class minimum is met.

Geometry – Prentice Hall 2004 book and workbook
Algebra 1 – Prentice Hall 2004 book and workbook
Pre-Algebra – Prentice Hall 2004 book and workbook
Anatomy – Book B Bob Jones Biology
English – Ancient History based writing – Excellence in Writing (will order together) will note: use C level pacing and supplemental C level source texts provided.
Adv. English – Classical Rhetoric through Structure and Style– Excellence in Writing (will order together)
World History Connections to Today Prentice Hall 2005
Personal Finance – Financial Peace – Dave Ramsey
Spanish 1 – Ven Conmigo (several copies at co-op) book and workbook
Ecce Romani 2009 (or Ecce Romani 2005)