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Monday, March 7, 2011

2011-2012 survey

Gateway Academy – Survey 2011-2012
Please complete the survey and return to Gateway or send an email with the information on the classes you are interested in. We normally set our high school classes first then junior high. Class offerings are dependent on parents willing to step up and teach and assist in class.

Please indicate interest in any of the following and if willing to teach or assist. Please place a T or A in the space if you would consider teaching or assisting. (You are not committed at this time…it is just a survey) You may choose more than one. If so write preference – 1, 2, etc.
High school:
_____ prealgebra _____ algebra 1 _____ geometry
_____ college algebra (honors with clep test)
_____ other __________________________________________
Science (please list preference – 1, 2, etc.)
_____ Anatomy (1 semester) _____ Forensic Science (1 semester) _____ Earth (1 semester)
_____ Earth/Space science (full year)
_____ Integrated chemistry/physics (full year)
_____ other ___________________________________________
_____ World History/Civilizations ( full year)
_____ World History/Civilizations honors with Clep test
English (list in order of preference)
_____ Composition – Excellence in Writing style history linked (1 semester)
_____ Elements of Literature _____ Elements of Literature with Clep test option
_____ Journalism I or II (1 semester)
_____ other _________________________________________________
Foreign Language (list in order of preference)
_____ Spanish III _____ Latin I _____ Greek
_____ ancient languages intro Greek/Hebrew (1 semester each)
_____ other __________________________________________________
Electives (list in order of preference)
_____ Bible
_____ Elements of communication – focus interpersonal (not a speech class) (1 semester)
_____ sociology (dual credit option through Global University)
_____ music appreciation (semester)
_____ drama (semester)
_____ photography
_____ home economics sewing/cooking etc.
_____ other _____________________________________________________
Junior High grades 7-8
_____ basic math _____ pre-algebra _____ algebra 1
_____ science – jr high level similar to high school (ie. physical science)
_____ world geography _____ world history
_____ composition Excelence in writing style _____ literature
______ ____________________________________________________________________