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Saturday, March 22, 2014

Spring is here!!!

Thursday, March 27 7-9 p.m.  Open House/History Fair
We need baked goods.  Please let us know what you can bring.  The funds raised will go toward the cost of the play such as costumes, royalties, etc. because ticket sales do not cover all expenses.  We try to keep them as low as possible for the families.

Student projects need to be turned in on Tuesday so they can be graded and set up for Thursday.
Invite your family and friends.  Come through any time.

GAME NIGHT - Thursday April 3 6:30 - 9:00 PM at Gateway.   Bring your favorite board games, food, and friends for a fun evening. 

SEDER MEAL - Friday, April 11    6:30 pm    Tickets on sale now.   Adults $10 and children (10 & under) $6.   Rock of Israel ministries will be presenting "Christ in the Passover."   Doug Carmel will explain the passover meal as you participate and discover how Christ is depicted.   A full course meal is included: salad, matzo ball soup, roasted chicken, potatoes, veg., yams/carrot tsimmes, and desert.   Great "field trip" for the family.  Invite your church family and friends to participate with you.    Email if you are bringing a group to be seated together.  This event is also open to the community so reserve you seats and purchase tickets soon.  

Play Performances:  Gateway Academy presents Shakespeare Goes to Gravel Gulch Friday, May 9, 7 p.m. AND Saturday, May 10, 3 p.m.  ADDED  7 p.m. show as well.    Two shows on Saturday!
Tickets go on sale at open house.   All seats $5.