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Thursday, August 27, 2009
Potluck Lunch
Tuesday, September 1. The Highschool Group will be having a potluck lunch. This is for the high school students and their families. When we did this last year, everyone enjoyed the opportunity to get to know each other a little better, building friendships. Please let Joy know if you are planning on participating and what you will be bringing. This will help us in our planning. The lunch will be at 11:45 at Gateway Fellowship and classes will begin promptly at 12:45 at Community Bible.
Classes Full
We are currently full for the first 6 weeks enrichment session. If you would like your name put on the waiting list please send it in an email.
Additionally, the high school classes are full for the first semester.
Additionally, the high school classes are full for the first semester.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
First day of class
Thank you for your cooperation on the first day of class. We have grown and the switch to the afternoon classes at Community Bible went better than expected.
Enrichment classes begin September 8 from 1 - 3 at Community Bible Church.
Enrichment classes begin September 8 from 1 - 3 at Community Bible Church.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hello everyone,
First of all, this is important information to anyone planning on joining us this coming school year. I hope you will take a few minutes to read through and let me know if you have any questions concerning any of this information.
Registration and Parents Meeting: August 11, 2009 At Gateway Fellowship, 10728 W. 133rd Ave., Cedar Lake, IN This is very important!! We are asking that everyone come to registration on August 11. It is very important that registration fees be paid by August 11 in order for us to order all teacher books and supplies in time for classes. This will also be the time when any missing paperwork is completed. Please let us know as soon as possible if you will not be able to be at this registration.
August 11, 2009
10:00 am Registration for highschool students
10:30 am Parent meeting for parents of HIGH SCHOOL students
11:00 am Registration for enrichment students
We do not want to turn anyone away due to finances. Individual plans may be arranged if you are in financial need.
Parent's Meeting: The purpose of this meeting is to let everyone know in advance what the guidelines will be for co-op classes. Teachers will have an opportunity to explain their classes and parents will have an opportunity to ask questions about classes. Please remember that everyone is a volunteer and everyone's time is precious. Please make an effort to be at this meeting.
Books: You can go to the blogsite: to get the book requirements for highschool classes. You should go ahead and order them so your student has them by class time, August 25. Be sure to use the correct ISBN to ensure the proper book. We will be placing a group order for the Drama books (this is for the students wanting highschool credit class). You can place your order at registration for these. If you have any questions about the books, please contact us as soon as possible.
Donations Needed: In order to keep our costs low, we need everyone to contribute some of the consumable supplies; so we have come up with a list of needs for our classes. Thank you in advance for your help with these items.
All Enrichment Class Families: We are having an art supply drive at registration. The pack should include: scissors, glue, crayons, washable markers, ruler, pencils and anything else you would like to throw in. If each family contributes one pack, we will be off to a good start.
ALSO Donations needed: The following items are needed throughout the year. Would you please consider putting these things on your shopping list and bringing them in when you can: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Paper Cups, Construction Paper, Copy Paper. We will be sending out an additional list with some science supplies we would like to borrow if anyone has those items.
Enrichment Teachers: We are still in need of a couple of parents to help in the enrichment area. Specifically, we need a parent who will be willing to lead 3-4th grade students during gym time for the first 6 weeks. This is informal instruction; we need an adult that will be a leader. We will provide game ideas.
We need parents to lead/teach students in six week sections on any topic of interest to them. These "class" times are approximately 40 minutes and would be for students from 3rd-7th grade. We currently have someone interested in teaching Latin, Creative Writing and Art. Do you have a special area of interest you would consider sharing? Ideas: logic, P.E., certain period of history, specific science topic, etc. Let us know. Because our group is growing, we need everyone to take part.
We also have a need for a P.E. teacher for highschool second semester. If you are interested or know of someone who would be interested, please let us know.
SERVANT HEARTS NEEDED: At registration, we will have a sign-up sheet listing opportunities for service. Please consider where you can serve. Some of the openings are: yearbook, sign-in/registration person, Care Contact, Phone Tree Organizer, Highschool paper grader, Mom's Night organizer, student newsletter, blog contributor, facility maintenance organizer etc.
Well, I think that is about it for now. We are working hard to make this a great year and we hope you will partner with us in bringing the best educational experience we can to your student while building good relationships. Let me know if you have any questions.
Joy Miller
First of all, this is important information to anyone planning on joining us this coming school year. I hope you will take a few minutes to read through and let me know if you have any questions concerning any of this information.
Registration and Parents Meeting: August 11, 2009 At Gateway Fellowship, 10728 W. 133rd Ave., Cedar Lake, IN This is very important!! We are asking that everyone come to registration on August 11. It is very important that registration fees be paid by August 11 in order for us to order all teacher books and supplies in time for classes. This will also be the time when any missing paperwork is completed. Please let us know as soon as possible if you will not be able to be at this registration.
August 11, 2009
10:00 am Registration for highschool students
10:30 am Parent meeting for parents of HIGH SCHOOL students
11:00 am Registration for enrichment students
We do not want to turn anyone away due to finances. Individual plans may be arranged if you are in financial need.
Parent's Meeting: The purpose of this meeting is to let everyone know in advance what the guidelines will be for co-op classes. Teachers will have an opportunity to explain their classes and parents will have an opportunity to ask questions about classes. Please remember that everyone is a volunteer and everyone's time is precious. Please make an effort to be at this meeting.
Books: You can go to the blogsite: to get the book requirements for highschool classes. You should go ahead and order them so your student has them by class time, August 25. Be sure to use the correct ISBN to ensure the proper book. We will be placing a group order for the Drama books (this is for the students wanting highschool credit class). You can place your order at registration for these. If you have any questions about the books, please contact us as soon as possible.
Donations Needed: In order to keep our costs low, we need everyone to contribute some of the consumable supplies; so we have come up with a list of needs for our classes. Thank you in advance for your help with these items.
All Enrichment Class Families: We are having an art supply drive at registration. The pack should include: scissors, glue, crayons, washable markers, ruler, pencils and anything else you would like to throw in. If each family contributes one pack, we will be off to a good start.
ALSO Donations needed: The following items are needed throughout the year. Would you please consider putting these things on your shopping list and bringing them in when you can: Toilet Paper, Paper Towels, Paper Cups, Construction Paper, Copy Paper. We will be sending out an additional list with some science supplies we would like to borrow if anyone has those items.
Enrichment Teachers: We are still in need of a couple of parents to help in the enrichment area. Specifically, we need a parent who will be willing to lead 3-4th grade students during gym time for the first 6 weeks. This is informal instruction; we need an adult that will be a leader. We will provide game ideas.
We need parents to lead/teach students in six week sections on any topic of interest to them. These "class" times are approximately 40 minutes and would be for students from 3rd-7th grade. We currently have someone interested in teaching Latin, Creative Writing and Art. Do you have a special area of interest you would consider sharing? Ideas: logic, P.E., certain period of history, specific science topic, etc. Let us know. Because our group is growing, we need everyone to take part.
We also have a need for a P.E. teacher for highschool second semester. If you are interested or know of someone who would be interested, please let us know.
SERVANT HEARTS NEEDED: At registration, we will have a sign-up sheet listing opportunities for service. Please consider where you can serve. Some of the openings are: yearbook, sign-in/registration person, Care Contact, Phone Tree Organizer, Highschool paper grader, Mom's Night organizer, student newsletter, blog contributor, facility maintenance organizer etc.
Well, I think that is about it for now. We are working hard to make this a great year and we hope you will partner with us in bringing the best educational experience we can to your student while building good relationships. Let me know if you have any questions.
Joy Miller
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
2009 Graduates
Saturday, May 2, 2009
SAT Essay Seminar
Need some last minute tips for the June 6 SAT? How about a jump-start for next year? Gateway Christian Fellowship will present a SAT writing seminar on Saturday, May 30th from 8:45 amto 4:00 pm. Students will view the High School Essay Intensive video seminar, produced by the Institute for Excellence in Writing, and practice writing. In this series, Andrew Pudewa creatively teaches students how to practice and prepare for the SAT essay, how to organize and present ideas with style, and presents powerful tips to improve writing flow. This wealth of information is available fora $20 donation. Spaces are limited so please register by May 23rd. Gateway Christian Fellowship is located at 10728 W. 133rd Ave. in Cedar Lake.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Gateway Homeschool Network is seeking families for the 2009-2010 school year. We offer a co-op style learning center where parents share in the learning process. Your children/youth get a chance to learn in a group setting one day a week, with opportunities to meet and socialize. They also receive the benefit of the wealth of knowledge coming from shared teaching responsibilities as well as accountability. The co-op also
The following high school classes are scheduled for the first semester of the 2009-2010 school year:
Integrated Chem/Physics
English Composition/Literature (Excellence In Writing)
Spanish 1 or Spanish 2
Registration begins May 1. Final determination on class offerings based on enrollment will be determined by June 1.
Each of these classes will need a teaching assistant or rotation
Gateway 2009-2010
High School (grades 9-12 with option for grade 8)
Registration $10 per class per student (Reserves space and provides funds to purchase initial teacher/class materials.)
Material fees per semester/per family
Anatomy (none) (Actual costs for labs)
Integrated Chem/Physics $12.50
English $10 (no textbook requirement all reproducibles)
Geometry (none)
Health (none)
Government/Economics (none)
Art (none)
Drama (none) (Cost for drama script to be determined.)
Material fees cover copying costs, (ink, paper etc.) as well as incidentals for each class.
*Parents may be asked to provide miscellaneous supplies or make a small donation to cover additional costs if necessary throughout the year.
Monthly donations (per family):
$20 per month (1 or 2 students)
$25 per month (3 students)
$30 per month (4 or more students)
(Students may take 1 or all six classes)
Registration begins May 1, Complete registration form and submit registration fees to reserve space in class. Material fees due by first class. Final decision on class offerings will be determined by June 1, based on number of students enrolled.
In the event that the minimum registration is not met or class exceeds maximum you will be notified and registration refunded for that class.
Enrichment Classes (grades 3-8)
Registration $10 per family (Reserves space and provides funds to purchase initial teacher materials.)
Monthly donations (per family):
$10 per month (1 or 2 students)
$15 per month (3 or more students)
*Parents may be asked to provide miscellaneous
supplies or make a small donation to cover additional costs if
necessary throughout the year.
Registration begins May 1, Complete registration form and submit registration fees to reserve space in class. Spaces are limited for next year.
To offer this type of diversified program, we ask that all parents find a place to serve, whether it be teaching, assisting, grading papers, record keeping, setting up, tearing down, cleaning up, organizing parties, arranging field trips – or ??? The co-op will only function with your cooperation, which allows us to keep the costs down. ( All teaching materials will be supplied.)
This is a ministry of Gateway Christian Fellowship and
we do not want to turn anyone away due to finances. Individual plans may be arranged if you are in financial need.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Discount Homeschool Materials
GHN has been approved to be an affiliate with Learning Things. They offer discounted prices on curriculum, educational software and enrichment materials. Gateway Homeschool Network will receive 10% commission on what you purchase - purchase your curriculum at a discounted price and help us out at the same time! Companies include Alpha Omega, Bob Jones, Apologia, Saxon, Answers in Genesis, Critical Thinking, and Spelling Power to name a few. For us to receive a commission, you need to enter their web site through our blog. Click on the box that says, “Great Deals School and Homeschool Curriculums.” Check it out! Thank you for helping us provide a low cost, family oriented option for homeschooling families.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Join us on Saturday, April 18th for an afternoon of scrapbooking. We start at 11:00 and go to ?? (Usually done by 4pm) Bring a snack or fingerfood to share. There will be a short presentation of preserving your scrapbook. If you can, drop an email and rsvp so we know how many tables to set up. (You're still welcome even if you don't rsvp.)
Last Enrichment Session
The last enrichment session for grades 3-8 begins next Thursday, April 16 and ends on Thursday, May 14. This session will include: art, life science (human anatomy-cells, bones etc.), and Spanish. Thursday, May 14 we will celebrate the end of the year with a FIESTA! Enrichment sessions run from 1 - 3 pm on Thursday afternoons. Come and join the fun!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Six week enrichment session
Six week enrichment session begins Thursday, February 26th. Classes will be: hands-on-science, art, and Spanish. Students will be split into three skill-based groups and rotate through the classes. These groupings are especially necessary for Spanish. Group one is for non-readers, or those needing reading/writing assistance - suggested grades 1st-3rd. Group two suggested grades advanced 3rd to 6th. Group three suggested grades advanced 6th grade to 8th grade- this Spanish class will move at a much quicker pace. Please make sure your children bring a folder and pencil. Web sites will be posted for additional Spanish practice throughout the week is you wish you use them. See you Thursday.
Don't forget the Egg Drop Contest!
Don't forget the Egg Drop Contest!
Egg Drop Contest
Gateway's Physic's Class invites you, grades 1-12 and your parents, to participate in an Egg Drop Contest. Design a container that will protect an egg dropped from at least 12-16 ft. Container cannot contain any liquid or sharp objects, no other restrictions. It must be able to be opened to check egg, uncooked and unaltered. (Must supply own egg.) Drop is scheduled for 3:00 on Thursday, March 5th. (Rain or snow - date March 12th) Prizes for the smallest, lightest, and most creative containers that succeed. Drop an email or sign up at co-op to let us know you will be participating.
Monday, January 19, 2009
English Grammar/Compositon Class
Grades 8-12: Second semester class - English Grammar and Compositon begins January 26th. We will be using materials from The Institute for Excellence in Writing as well as SAT grammar review. We will focus on essay writing for high school, college and the SAT. Registration is $10 if you did not register for it at the beginning of the year.
Text: McGraw-Hill's SAT, 2009 Edition $13.00 (
Excellence in Writing Workbook C $18.00
*We will place a group order for the books after the first class.
Note: Change in schedule for second semester:
English Grammar/Compostion will meet from 11:15 - 12:15
Text: McGraw-Hill's SAT, 2009 Edition $13.00 (
Excellence in Writing Workbook C $18.00
*We will place a group order for the books after the first class.
Note: Change in schedule for second semester:
English Grammar/Compostion will meet from 11:15 - 12:15
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Mom's Night Out
Here is an opportunity for homeschool moms to enjoy a Night Out and share a laugh with other homeschooling moms. Cheryl Moeller is a Christian homeschooling mom and author. She will be sharing her homeschooling humor with us. Here is the information you will need:
This will be at the Faith Family Future Center in South Holland, Il at 7:00 pm on January 26th. This is for moms only please. Please do not bring children unless they are nursing babies.
The Faith Family Future Center is located on the corner of 170th st. and South Park Ave. It's on the opposite corner of Thornwood High School. There is an entrance on both 170th st. and South Park. For detailed directions, please e-mail me Debbie Van Deursen at or call 708-339-0012 in the evenings, or call Anna Duesing at 596-7023 in the afternoon or evening.
Please RSVP to the listed email address if you are planning on attending to ensure plenty of space. There is no charge to attend.
This will be at the Faith Family Future Center in South Holland, Il at 7:00 pm on January 26th. This is for moms only please. Please do not bring children unless they are nursing babies.
The Faith Family Future Center is located on the corner of 170th st. and South Park Ave. It's on the opposite corner of Thornwood High School. There is an entrance on both 170th st. and South Park. For detailed directions, please e-mail me Debbie Van Deursen at or call 708-339-0012 in the evenings, or call Anna Duesing at 596-7023 in the afternoon or evening.
Please RSVP to the listed email address if you are planning on attending to ensure plenty of space. There is no charge to attend.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Gateway Homeschool Network would like to invite moms and children to attend a scrapbook event.. Please reply with your rsvp either through email gardnersrus@ sbcglobal. net or you can call Judy at 

Joy at 

so that we can plan space and supplies accordingly.
Who: Mom and kids interested in learning to scrapbook.
When: Saturday, January 24, 2009 11:00 a.m. till ??
Where: Gateway Christian Fellowship on 133rd Ave., Cedar Lake, Indiana
What: We are offering you the space and time to scrapbook your photos. If you are already a scrapbooker, bring your stuff and enjoy the time set aside to work. If you have not scrapbooked before, bring your photos, scissors and $5 for consumable supplies that we will provide. We will help you get started. This is a great chance to begin a school scrapbook showing activities that you have done in your school time or perhaps you want to design some pages from your Christmas celebrations.
What else? Please bring a finger food and drink to share for lunch/snacks throughout the

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